Version 0.2 (Major Layout Overhaul) is live!

Greetings again, Pilots!

My thanks for your patience and fidelity to the cause! The newest version of After\\Burner v0.2 (the version numbers are weird, I know) is now live. In the next couple of days, I'll have an updated Character Sheet (only needs a few tweaks), a flexible Bandit card for making your own MADCAT variants, and a handful of Pre-Generated Characters wrapped and joining the usual plethora of extras.

Due to the new version hitting, High Command has decided to increase the number of Community Copies available as well. I'd appreciate your help in distributing these assets to any eager and talented pilots you know who are spoiling for a good dogfight!

I discussed the changes in a previous devlog, but wanted to highlight a few items. Most notably, AI imagery is out, and marvelous artwork from a wide variety of artists and sources is in! 

A big change: the jump to 1920x1080 screen formatting means no more Spreads vs. Pages - there is now a singular version of the core document. 

Next, I am thrilled to include the fantastic character portrait artwork of Víctor Jiménez Merino to give a salvo of personality to both the core classes and the dreaded Flight Barons. You can find Víctor's work right here on Itchio. I've also had contributions to the new world building section made by Justin Howe, and Zee McZed, so a big thanks for their support!

Now that After\\Burner is getting close to it's 1st birthday, the game is feeling settled and reliable enough that I'm starting to look towards indie RPG reviewers, streamers, and the like, to pitch to.  That means a press kit coming very soon! Likewise, I'm considering a slight price bump (up to $7 USD) to reflect a more finalized product.

In the meantime, I'm always interested to hear about your play experiences - what worked, what made you shout in delight, what was missing, and what blew up on re-entry. Feel free to reach out (Twitter is still a good place, believe it or not!) any time!

Until then, Pilots - Good hunting!

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