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It's here! Can't wait to read through it. I'm already planning to run this next month. :) 
Just a heads up, I think your Spreads file might be corrupted, I can't open it. Singels work fine. 

Thanks for the heads up! Looks like an export error I missed! The Spreads version should be working correctly now.

Hope you enjoy the game! I'd love to hear how it goes!

Base game not required? 
That's exciting. I love oneshots. 
When is this dropping? :)


I think I'll have everything together a week or so before the end of the jam. Writing is nearly done, art is mostly or entirely there, and layout has started. Fortunately, I can scavenge some of the layout from the core game to speed things along!

This is intended as a "give the game a go and strip out any rules that are a little extra/not relevant to a oneshot." If folks like it, the core game is there to jump into afterwards. Pre-generated characters so that the table isn't immediately overwhelmed with a menu of options or disappointed that they picked something not relevant to the mission. As tight a single evening experience as I can get it!